Category Archives: Mark Dever

10 Laws or 10 Characteristics

Ten“… the laws of GOD are not simply external statutes, published and passed by some congress in heaven; rather, the laws of GOD reflect HIS very character. They are an expression of GOD HIMSELF. So to break any of GOD’s laws is to live against GOD. It is to live contrary to HIM” Mark Dever

I have been reading 9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever and he made this statement about the laws of GOD. I got to thinking about this.We know GOD cannot sin. (1 John 3:5) That is because HE cannot go against HIS very character. GOD cannot lie steal murder. Because GOD does not change his character.(1 Samuel 15:29) We however do lie steal covet murder and so on.(Romans 3:10-18) That is why “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this judgement…” (Hebrews 9:27) GOD will judge us by HIS very character known to us as the ten commandments. The punishment for this is Hell. (Revelation 21:8) BUT GOD so love us that he gave us HIS only begotten SON… (John 3:16) The only way to save us or change us was for there to be a sacrifice. That sacrifice was JESUS. HE paid our debt. So because of JESUS we now have a new heart with GOD’s character upon us (Galations 2:20)

9 Marks

"We are to be walking pictures of the moral nature and righteous character of GOD, reflecting it around the universe for all to see-especially in our union with GOD through CHRIST. This, therefore, is what GOD calls us to and why HE calls us to it. HE calls us to join together with HIM, and together in our congregations, not for our glory but for HIS own."
(Mark Dever)

I bought a new book yesterday when Laurie and I was out. So far I find it very interesting. I like the ideas he has and the way he is going with it. I will write more as I read more.